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FACE SOSA Technical Interchange Meeting Keynotes - 2021 March
FACE™and SOSA™Technical Interchange Meeting Panels - March 2021
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Demo Showcasing: FACE, SOSA, and DO-178C DAL A Certification
Sensor Open Systems Architecture™ (SOSA) Introduction
TIM Welcome Address by Dr. Franco Gasperoni, CEO, AdaCore
Future Airborne Capability Environment™ (FACE) Introduction
System Architectures, MOSA and the FACE™ Technical Standard 2020
CMOSS Architecture and Software Defined Radio & RF Capabilities
BlackLab I2CEWS
Sensor Open Systems Architecture (SOSA) Primer
Update on SpaceVPX (VITA 78) and Introduction to Sensor Open Systems Architecture
Lockheed to Get $34 Billion for F-35 as Pentagon Announces Award